
Living Water to Grow the Children

Life is indeed spiritual. At GHMI, everything has been working together for good. All the progress experienced has been an outward manifestation of what is happening in the spirit realm. Quite recently, the children went from a hand dug well, to a hand pump deep well and now by the grace of God, an automated in well electric pump that supplies clean water throughout the facility. It came with so much joy and relief from the burden of trekking long distances in search of clean drinkable water. Now they have sufficient clean water that does not run out in the facility and they can all rest. We are not ignorant of the symbolism of all this in their spiritual lives.

Surely, we can attest that the Lord is with us. His living water has occupied every part of our being and brings refreshment to every dimension of our lives at GHMI. Just as He has given His Living Water to us freely, all kinds of refreshment have come our way including various graces and favor. There is indoor plumbing in the facility meaning that the clean water can flow through every structure there. Likewise, GHMI has conducted the necessary preparations to ensure the Word of God flows freely to the children in unlimited portions for their spiritual growth. For every child, adequate measures have been taken to build a spiritual ‘connecting pipe’ so the Living Water can flow to them from the authorities that are connected to the source.

One attribute that has been nurtured by this Living Water is unity, for if every part of the facility is to receive the clean water, there has to be a constant connection without leakage or breakage. Therefore, we uphold the unity of all children and the larger GHMI family as the key to keep the Living Water flowing unrestricted to any of us. The children have experienced tremendous growth interacting with the Holy Spirit and knowing God through his Word.

Our interpretation of all this is of course not without scriptural backing. Jeremiah 2:13 refers to God as the fountain of living waters, meaning he is the source. Even as we enjoy the benefits of the well in our facility, we are constantly reminded that God is the source of living water that we desire to give to every child that they may experience transforming growth. Jesus also talks about the living water at length. In this context of John 4:13, He is referring to the Holy Spirit who would become in us a spring of water welling up to eternal life. How privileged we are to have Him living in us today. GHMI acknowledges the trinity including the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit that have made running the facility a success for us.

So what is so different about us? We rely on God fully as our source of the Living Water that we avail to our children. Every time you interact with any of them, you do not just give them love, but you are also connected to the Living Water that is in them, and you edify one another. It’s refreshing!

We give overflowing gratitude of thanks to all our giving partners. We are refreshed in the Lord daily and we are refreshed in His Love as He is the indescribable gift, the one who is the living water, so our spirit shall never thirst again. Join us in your prayer and give Glory to God as our source who through Christ Jesus provided the way, the truth and the life as no one comes to the Father except through Him. (John 14:6).

Post-Author is Donna Onjala a Christian Freelance Content Writer